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I think I will Delete my page

I know you're sick of these albums but I can't resist anymore .Everything it's over.
All this time I was your toy and but now it's not the same. I won't come back NEVER and I really don't care if you won't miss me !
But I will miss you.

You didn't give me the chance to prove u that I'm Selena!
Tomorrow I decided to buy a microphone or a webcam. I could give you autographs with my nails :)

But now, tell xxselenagomezxx to make these things. =) Cuz u believe her , you dont believe the real SELENA . :(

I won't delete my page cuz then a girl will make a page and she'll say that she's me and she's back. :P

So i won't be online. and i won't come back.
Goodbye :( I will miss u

Comments • 1

MileyRayCyrus17 28 January 2011  
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